Pallo vai palikka ?

Work group – Hanna Ryti, Ina Niemelä, Silja Kauppinen, Ville Leppilahti, Simeoni Juoperi, Jacintha Damström

Premiere in Hurjaruuth 24.4.2019 at Ruutia! festival.

Speechless contemporary circus performance, for people over 3 years, of the ideas of abstract art by Malevitš, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Af Klint, Pollock and the pink creature.

Duration 50min

Photos Silja Kauppinen

Pallo vai palikka? trailer, Hanna Ryti (2019)
critique in finnish

Verta, pornoa ja propagandaa, JUMALAUTA!

Amanda Kauranne – voice, percussions, wind instruments, double bass
Helmi Camus – voice, double bass, keayboard instruments
Minna Koskenlahti – voice, percussions, wind instruments
Sini Siipola – dance, choreography, voice, percussions
Verta concert featured by Maija Kauhanen – kantele, voice
Propagandaa concert featured by Hildá Länsman or Pirita Näkkäläjärvi – yoik, voice, kantele
Concept – Amanda Kauranne
Live sound – Pauliina Saarman
Lights and projections -Ina Niemelä
Assisting director – Elina Lajunen
Production – Mari Pääkkönen
Logo – Paula Susitaival

Verta premiere in 19.3.2018 in Space for free arts (old air-raid shelter)
Pornoa premiere in 1.9.2018 in Lapinlahti Hospital
Propagandaa premiere in 18.9.2018 in SKS, Centre for Finnish Literature
JUMALAUTA! premiere in 20.1.2019 in Music theatre Kapsäkki

Supported by Kone Foundation, MES, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Helsinki, Heluna Shop

Duration 4 x 90min

More information:

VPPJ! won the phenomenon of the year price in Etnogaala 2020

Verta (Blood) starts a feminist folk music concert serie Verta, pornoa ja propagandaa, JUMALAUTA! The first concert explores the blood line, menstrual fluid and child birth blood, as well as blood shed throughout the centuries, aggression as a destroying and creative force. The mood of the performance swings between bang and clatter, small and sensitive, amusing and frightening.

Different Finnish folk music traditions and stories from murder ballads to childbirth spells, from old hymns to ancient catfights are played.

Pornoa (Porn) concert celebrates sexuality, body and the wandering mind.
Traditional love chants, old runosongs about the hatered and powers of the cunt, folk songs of the genitalian joys and new compositions to enrich the variety sexy songs are combined with movement and surprising performance art. If Steve Vai’s guitar solo makes one think of male ejaculation what could be the female equivalent as a musical act.

Propagandaa (Propaganda) concert investigates the nature of propaganda with the means of performance and song. What kind of propaganda has been used to depict the ideal woman in the course of history, what has been censored and how folk music was harnessed for the Finnish narrative? What is propaganda today?

In the concert one hears songs from the era of civil war, yoiks, lyrics made from the room flat for a young woman, as well as internet trolling and hate talk concidering Blood concert transformed into songs lyrics.

JUMALAUTA! contemplates the concept of holy and looks into the archaic and newer systems of beliefs. What divides material and spiritual? What was the role of a woman in the history of religions?

Violence, sexuality, propaganda songs and the experience of sacred – in 2018-2019 the concert serie takes up topics that are widely sung in the historical folk music, but are rarely sang today with a female voice. If we remain silent about these issues, what kinds of representations of women manifest or have been manifested? What happens if we give a voice to them?

Photos Sanna Breilin

Dál lea vejolaš gullat olles feministalaš álbmotmusihkkakonseartaráiddu Varra, porno, propagánda, JUMALAUTA! Konseartaráidu ovdána syklalaččat. Dat addá ođđasit jiena olmmošeallima áššiide, mat leat muhtumin čiekŋalat ja muhtumin fas geahppasat. Perspektiiva lea nissonin navdojuvvon olbmuid geahččanguovlu.

Varra-konsearta dutká eallima láiggi, man ng. varraárbi, mánodávdavarra ja mánáriegádahttinvarra duddjojit. Lassin konsearta guorahallá vara golggaheami ja vel aggreššuvnna. Dát leat fámut, mat sihke duššadit juoidá ja duddjojit ođđa nissonolbmo eallimis. Bargojoavkku ovddabealde rahpasa ovttalágan veahkaválddi kataloga maŋimus čudiid jagiid áigge. Mii álggahit vuohttunlávlagis ja loahpahit riegádahttinlohkosii – jos veahkaválddi ii botke, nu joatkášuvvágo dat?

Porno-konsearta gieđahallá seksualitehta girjáivuođa ja máŋggabealátvuođa. Seksualitehta birra leat olbmot lávlon álo. Mii goittotge buktit dasa ođđa geahččanguovllu: feministalaš perspektiivva, nissonin navdojuvvon olbmo historjjá ja geahččanguovllu, mii rahpá dálá áiggi. Mii álggahit diktalávlumiin ja ovdánit das cinná vašiin ja fámuin gitta 2010-logu seksualitehta govaide ja dan deaddagiidda.

Progagánda-konsearta dutká dáidaga bokte, ahte makkár propagánda olbmot leat don doloža rájes gullan ja buvttadan. Mo propagánda báidná nissongova iešguđet áigodagas? Mo álbmotmusihkka ja árbevierut leat ávkkástallojuvvon, go muitalus Suoma birra lea huksejuvvon? Main áššiin dán áigge galggašii lávlut dahje jávohuvvat?

JUMALAUTA!-konsearta suokkarda basi vásáhusa ja dutkada dološsuopmelaš ja dan maŋŋá boahtán oskumušortnega. Mii earuha eatnanlačča ja vuoiŋŋalačča? Mo nissonolbmot vásihedje vuoiŋŋalašvuođa dolin, go almmáiolbmot dávjá hálddašedje oskkoldagaid virggálaččat?


Hanna Ryti – convener, director and writer
Ina Niemelä – lighting and video design, animations
Anne Karttunen – set and space design, building
Heini Maaranen – set and space design, building
Julia Lappalainen – writer and actor
Kimmo Siren – building
Petra Hakkarainen – set design intern
Marja Uusitalo – knitting
Oona Niemelä – sewing and light help
Veera Vienola – production intern

Revolution! is a theatrical installation with very few rules (please take off your shoes and take care of your friend!) One is free to touch, experience and play with the signs of power and empowerment.  Take your space between a giant and soft wobbly bits or sit on a tongue in front of words.

The working group interviewed 12 six-year-olds to ask how do they understand power, and if they had it what would they do with it. The answers were concrete and we took that seriously. Hands – represent the power of muscles and violence, closeness and greatness. Eyes – the power of overlooking, seeing and judging. Also the magnificent power of an approving gaze was in our minds.  Ears – listening or shutting out, trust and secrets. One enters to the space through a giant mouth – that is the gate for words. But the entrance goes inside a person, where the words are secondary.

If the first room is the room of body parts, the second room is the children playground in the world of wealth and power, where one can swim in a pool of candy wrappers, build a castle of soft golden coins and diamonds, draw the walls and make a mark. However all this is overlooked by fearful looking clay faces.

Power, responsibility and caring has been re-evaluated among the working group as we contemplated  our own attitudes towards children, and how our own childhood experiences have shaped and are shaping our perspectives. In the world of children the line between arbitrary adult rules and structured life that creates the feeling of security is thin and fluid.


On stage – Kaisa Leppänen, Jarkko Niemi, Annika Poijärvi, Tatu Mönttinen, Sara Melleri ja Saara Kotkaniemi.
Director – Sini Pesonen
Writer – Jussi Moila
Music and sound design – Pauli Riikonen and Juho Alajuuma
Choreography – Sonya Lindfors
Lighting and video design – Ina Niemelä
Costume design – Henna-Riikka Taskinen
Set design – Salli Kari and artist Jani Leinonen.

Madonna is a carnivalesque performance about feminism, femininity, motherhood and roles in a nuclear family and in a society.

Premiere 28.10.2015
Lasipalatsi POP-UP –THEATRE Helsinki, Mannerheimintie 22-24
Performance language Finnish

Captures from the Mummonainen projections:

critiques in finnish